Jan 2021
Team project from HackCambridge 2021 (Archived)


EtOH is a website which allows you to "predict" how your blood alcohol levels will vary with time after drinking. It was created by

  • Lakee Sivaraya
  • Ankit Bhattarai
  • Adhi Saravanan

For the Hex Cambridge 2021 Hackathon.

How to use it

  • Input the necessary physiological factors like age, weight, height ,etc.
  • Add the drinks you drank. There are a set of drinks available in the drop down however you can also enter a "custom" drink. Then enter their respective ABV, volume and time you drank it.
  • You will then see a table of the drinks you drank with all their respective data, you are able to delete a drink by pressing the times icon ( )
  • Press the "Update Graph" button to see the results.


Notion page image

Development Process

Firstly as a team we searched through many research papers to figure out how to model how blood alcohol levels vary with time. My team mates were set with the task of implementing the model (though I did help with implemting this into the website).

I was set with the gruelling task of making the website, since I was the only one with experience of making web apps. I decided to use the python library, Dash. One issue I faced was timing, and since I was the only one who knew how to make a website, I had very little to make the aesthetics of the website look nice. I was focused on the functionality.

In the end the website worked pretty well however if we had more time/ more team members we would have been able to build a very nice website.